Recent Blogs
November 29, 2016 – Vicki Pero
My business partner, Colleen Niese, recently delivered an education session at the Women In Parking Annual Conference, and I was reminded of an exchange we had about this presentation when she first developed it a few years ago. The program includes an exercise that is a bit risky in terms of how it will be received by the audience, and when she first developed it, she was concerned that it might upset members of the audience. Every time she has delivered this program, not only has the WTF exercise been well received, it has been the most memorable part of the session for most participants and likely the catalyst for change for many of them.
September 27, 2016 – Colleen Niese
Let the Best Talent Win!
In attending this year’s Women In Parking Annual Conference, during the roundtable, Gary Neff, CEO of Park Assist commented on his hiring principles, specifically sharing he isn’t so focused on hiring to literally ensure gender balance, rather he evaluates primarily based on each candidate’s background, skill set and cultural fit. Mr. Neff touched on a cornerstone of gender diversity with his insight, namely hiring on talent vs. comfort.
September 20, 2016 – Vicki Pero
Don’t Forget About the Other 66% of the Workforce
If you spend any time on LinkedIn or read business publications and trade journals, you’re likely to be inundated with information regarding millennials in the workplace. Topics range from how do we recruit and retain them to scrutinizing how they interact with other generations in the workplace and everything in between.
September 07, 2016 – Colleen Niese
Time To Give Your 2016 Strategic Goals a Jumpstart?
Well! It’s that time of year again: the vacations are winding down, kids are back in school and there’s basically two and a half months left in the year to complete the current year’s company goals, given it’ll be difficult to implement corporate initiatives once the holiday season is upon us. If your strategic goals became a bit neglected over the summer months, try these tips to jump start and finish them up before the Thanksgiving Day parade.
August 23, 2016 – Colleen Niese
Is Your Organization Ready For The New Exemption Rule?
Unless you’ve been fortunate enough to take a year long hiatus from the corporate world, you’re likely aware of the upcoming FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) changes that affect Exempt vs. Non Exempt classifications going live this coming December 1st.
August 09, 2016 – Vicki Pero
Ask the HR Expert: Establishing a Compliance Training Program That Works
It’s rare for a week to go by in our practice without a call for assistance from a client who has received a harassment or ethics violation complaint about one or more employees. One way to prevent these incidents is through your compliance training program. Some states require formal anti-harassment training for employees, but the most effective programs go above and beyond meeting regulatory requirements. Use these three tips to build a compliance training program that works.