Recent Blogs

November 30, 2021 – Meghan Maynard

Is Your Data Safe?

According to, in the year 2020 the United States saw 1,001 data breach cases that left 155.8 million individuals affected. This staggering number proves just how vulnerable we are to cyber security attacks. With online databases utilized now more than ever both in the workplace and in our personal lives, it’s critical that web security is a top priority. Data security is a top priority here at Zephire whether that be related to PCI Compliance or protecting customer information such as usernames and passwords. The good news is that making small changes in your everyday technology usage can have a powerful impact on the level of protection you have to combat these cyber security attacks.

November 09, 2021 – Meghan Maynard

Why Organized Data is Essential For Your Evolving Business

Look around and you’ll see that you’re surrounded by data. From health and medical services to shopping and entertainment. Data utilization is common in nearly every aspect of our modern world. It’s no surprise that some of the most successful companies across the globe use internal statistics to drive the most important aspects of their business – from aiding in decision making and efficiency, to increasing revenue and customer satisfaction. You can incorporate this insight into your own business to aid in day-to-day functions and optimize productivity.

September 21, 2021 – Meghan Maynard

Data Drives Our World

Doing more with less – that sounds counterintuitive, right? With technology, it actually allows us to be productive and increase efficiency in our everyday lives. Think about your day-to-day life for just a minute. You probably have a cell phone that allows you to do just about anything – from connecting with colleagues and maintaining social relationships to paying bills and shopping. Even your car, the watch on your wrist and the refrigerator in your kitchen are likely equipped with smart technology.