Recent Blogs

May 05, 2015 – Colleen Niese

You May Be Talking, But Can Anyone Hear You?

I was in a meeting the other day and counted my peer hum in agreement eighteen times in sixty seconds. Literally, I counted while she hummed and I don’t think I was alone in being distracted throughout the meeting. I was reminded of a great Ted Talk by Tara Mohr called Crimes of Conversation where she discusses both the verbal and non verbal tics anyone can be susceptible to when trying to communicate/influence others to moving our own objectives forward.

April 28, 2015 – Vicki Pero

What’s Your Next Career Move?

As the economy has strengthened, many companies have decided to move forward and fill deferred positions or add new roles due to increased productivity. This increasing demand for talented candidates has created an environment where it’s an applicant’s market. If you’re looking to make your next career move, keep the following tips in mind to make sure you land that next opportunity.

April 21, 2015 – Vicki Pero

Show Me the Money…Or Maybe Just a Pat on the Back

Would it surprise you to know that in a McKinsey study regarding employee motivation 67% of participants rated praise and commendation as the top motivator for performance beating out cash and non-financial incentives? This post is the final in a four part series on developing a culture of customer service, and the above statistic is a nice lead in to today’s subject: reward & recognition programs.

April 14, 2015 – Vicki Pero

2 Tips for Cracking the Code Toward Establishing a Customer Service Culture

In the first installment of this four part blog series I shared that there is more to sustaining a culture of customer service than classroom training, yet this is an essential part of the overall formula. In this third installment on the subject, you’ll gain two more tips you can use to achieve your career customer service goals within your organization.

April 07, 2015 – Vicki Pero

What Does Recruitment Have to Do With Customer Service? A Lot Actually.

How can your company become a leader in customer service delivery? It all begins with who is interacting with customers and their customer service capabilities. The best place to start when it comes to ensuring you have the right workforce in place to be a customer service leader is the recruitment and selection of your front line workforce. This blog is the second in a four part series where we are highlighting tactics you can use to establish a customer service culture that actually meets your expectations.

March 31, 2015 – Vicki Pero

Do Your Policies Make It Easy For Employees to Provide Excellent Service?

Does your company have high expectations in terms of the service delivery provided by employees to customers? Some organizations attempt to achieve this objective by cycling employees through a half day customer service training session once per year and then bang their heads against the wall trying to figure out why service levels aren’t higher.