Recent Blogs
November 30, 2017 – Vicki Pero
Where Do You Land on the Bad Boss Index?
Bamboo HR recently published a Bad Boss Index infographic, and after reviewing the responses they received, I realized how lucky I have been in my career to work for some very talented, competent leaders. Bamboo HR's research found that 44% of people had left a job due to a bad boss, and many other studies over the years have produced similar results. Thematically, there are four things I learned from these individuals that we can all practice to be better leaders and avoid losing our best team members.
November 20, 2017 – Tim Winterich
What Is Your Favorite Parking Scene In A Movie Or TV Show?
Quick question, choose your favorite movie or TV scene in a parking garage/lot from the choices below:
November 10, 2017 – Colleen Niese
Is It Time for Your 2018 Strategic Planning?
Is It Time To Plan Your 2018 Strategies?
October 27, 2017 – Tim Winterich
Is Collaboration Important To You?
In a recent post about the growing technology pie and how companies keep pace with the constant onslaught of new knowledge and skills required to stay competitive, I mentioned the importance of creating a collaborative work environment so people have a chance to mix together and share knowledge.
October 13, 2017 – Vicki Pero
Sustaining a Customer Service Culture
I had the opportunity to present at the New York State Parking Association Conference yesterday on sustaining a customer service culture within the parking industry. There are so many opportunities organizations can pursue to realize this goal that go well beyond annual classroom customer service training, and it's always great to be able to highlight them. I originally presented this session at the IPI Conference in 2016 and wrote a series of blogs then. To discover ideas you can use within your company access the series here:
October 06, 2017 – Tim Winterich
Pies, Technology and Recruiting
With technology changes hitting parking faster and harder at every turn, it’s more and more difficult to determine what software, apps, and other technologies you should adopt right now, what you should target in the next 1-3 years, and what long-range plans you need for an uncertain future.