If you spend any time on LinkedIn or read business publications and trade journals, you’re likely to be inundated with information regarding millennials in the workplace. Topics range from how do we recruit and retain them to scrutinizing how they interact with other generations in the workplace and everything in between.
According to a Pew Research survey comparing generations in the workforce in 1995 to 2015, millennials make up about 34% of the US workforce currently, and that number continues to grow, so it’s understandable that employers are focused on them. 63% of the available applicant pool and workforce is made up of generation xers and baby boomers (2% who chose not to specify their generation in the survey in 2015 and 1% are post millennials), and I’d argue employers can benefit from placing some emphasis on them, and here’s why.
Been There, Done That.
Generation Xers and Baby Boomers have extensive work experience, and they can often make a meaningful contribution more quickly with less training and support. Your organization can further leverage the experience of these folks as mentors and trainers in their respective areas of expertise.
Stability for You, Stability for Me.
In the early years of a person’s career, it’s common to change positions and companies every few years to gain new experience, build a portfolio of work and advance. Generation Xers and Baby Boomers are often past this phase and interested in working for an organization for the long term.
Details, Details.
Older workers can be more detail oriented, focused and attentive. Let’s be honest, maturity has its benefits. These employees can help to detect or avoid costly errors, and their habits rub off on their coworkers regardless of age.
At the end of the day, every workplace benefits from having a multi-generational workforce. The key is not to fixate on the millennials ignoring the other 66%! Do you have a question we can answer, or an opinion about generations in the workplace? If so, post it here, or drop us a note at letsconnect@marlyngroupllc.com.