Recent Blogs

January 05, 2016 – Colleen Niese

Did You Make Your Bed Today?

A few months ago my nephew shared a clip of Admiral William H. McRaven delivering a commencement speech to the 2014 graduating class at the University of Texas. In his talk, he provides 10 lessons on how to move your life forward, based on his 36 years as a Navy SEAL. The first one he shares is the importance of making your bed. He described the task as simple; mundane at best but the value gained was that once complete, it gives a small sense of pride and encourages one to take on another task. And even if the rest of the day proves to be difficult, you’ll be reminded before you fall asleep that you got one thing right.

November 17, 2015 – Vicki Pero

How to Make Company Holiday Parties Safe

As the end of the year approaches, many companies are making plans for an annual holiday celebration. These events are opportunities for everyone to relax a bit and celebrate the accomplishments of the year. It’s not unusual for alcohol to be served at company holiday parties, which raises the question: does your company have a plan for a safe holiday celebration?

October 28, 2015 – Colleen Niese

So Many Goals, So Little Time

October 14, 2015 – Vicki Pero

Have You Built These Controls Into Your Online Reservation Program?

Online reservation revenue contributes a small percentage of transient revenue at most facilities at 5% or less.   At the same time, these programs are growing in popularity with customers and have offered operators a way to sell otherwise unused inventories, creating a win-win situation. If one or more online reservation providers sell spaces at your facilities, make sure you build these controls into the program.

October 06, 2015 – Colleen Niese

Do You Lead Someone With Red Lipstick?

Four high school girls thought it would be funny to wear bright red lipstick to school and kiss the bathroom mirror, leaving their mark for all to see. Once their homeroom teacher figured out what the four were up to she issued demerits in an attempt to get them to stop it. The punishment proved useless as the girls came to school day after day with lipstick in hand. Until one day when the teacher called the girls into the ladies room where the school’s custodian was waiting with her. She asked him to demonstrate to the girls how he cleaned the mess they’d leave behind. He proceeded to dunk his mop into a toilet and wash down the mirror.
No more red lipstick.

September 23, 2015 – Vicki Pero

You’re a New Leader – Will You Change the Culture or Will It Change You?

Between the Marlyn Group’s recruitment and consulting activities, quite often we are involved in the onboarding and coaching of new leaders within an organization. There are many drivers behind these personnel changes, but a common theme among them is a desire for change. The early days for a leader in a new role are a telling time for whether he or she will deliver on those anticipated changes or become part of the status quo. If you have recently taken on a new role or are considering a career move keep the following in mind to stay on track with your objectives.