Insights — Marlyn Group

You’re a New Leader – Will You Change the Culture or Will It Change You?

Written by Vicki Pero | Sep 23, 2015 1:48:34 PM

Between the Marlyn Group’s recruitment and consulting activities, quite often we are involved in the onboarding and coaching of new leaders within an organization. There are many drivers behind these personnel changes, but a common theme among them is a desire for change. The early days for a leader in a new role are a telling time for whether he or she will deliver on those anticipated changes or become part of the status quo. If you have recently taken on a new role or are considering a career move keep the following in mind to stay on track with your objectives.

Set Goals and Follow Through On Them

When you step into a new role it can be disorienting. What are the priorities? Who needs what and when do they need it by? Bring some order to this chaotic time by establishing one to two goals and a plan to achieve them. Work in partnership with your hiring manager to make sure that you are committing to initiatives that the organization has recognized as needs and priorities.

Build Trust and Respect, Not Friendships

As human beings we are wired to want to be liked, to be accepted as part of the group. This can be a slippery slope when you are in a new role. Gain the trust and respect of colleagues by being predictable and consistent when it comes to performing your job duties. Friendships will develop in time but shouldn’t be a tradeoff for quality work performance and leadership.

Stay True to Yourself, They Hired You For a Reason!

If you’ve taken on a role that requires major transformative work, you may feel like you’re a bit isolated. This is a time when you can be most vulnerable to adapting to the culture. In these moments, stay true to your principles and work habits. These were most likely reasons you were hired for your role, and you may not meet expectations if you succumb to the culture around you.

Are you interested in more leadership tips?   Visit our blog for articles on a range of topics that can help!