Insights — Marlyn Group

Show Me the Money…Or Maybe Just a Pat on the Back

Written by Vicki Pero | Apr 21, 2015 1:39:41 PM

Would it surprise you to know that in a McKinsey study regarding employee motivation 67% of participants rated praise and commendation as the top motivator for performance beating out cash and non-financial incentives? This post is the final in a four part series on developing a culture of customer service, and the above statistic is a nice lead in to today’s subject: reward & recognition programs.

Reward and recognition programs take on many forms within organizations. The goal is always the same though – motivate employees towards desired behavior and recognize those who meet or exceed expectations. You might focus a program on employee appearance, customer service, attendance or just about any other area of priority. In order to deliver these programs successfully, use the following tips.

  1. If you plan to include a reward of some kind, obtain feedback from employees on what they would consider a meaningful incentive. If the incentive will be financial in nature, consult your Payroll team regarding tax obligations for program participants and the company.
  2. A Bersin survey found that 75% of organizations offer reward and recognition programs, yet only 58% of employees believe their companies have them in place. The takeaway here is to promote the program prior to implementing it and then on an ongoing basis throughout its duration. You can achieve this by sending out regular reminders regarding the program’s goals, recognizing participants in a public way and posting results in a public area.
  3. Make sure all employees have the opportunity to participate. The program can backfire if some employees are excluded, even if it’s unintentional. If you have employees working odd shifts or in roles that aren’t as easily connected to the program’s objectives, find ways to make sure they can participate.
  4. If you start the program, make sure you finish it. Plan a few regular reminders for managers or supervisors who are involved in carrying it out, and follow through on your program obligations, as well.

What are some of your ideas for cracking the code of establishing a customer service culture? Share them with us here!

Are you interested in more information about customer service training? uDrive subscribers have access to tools and templates that can help. These can be found in the Resources for the Parking Manager section of the site.