There is much more to cracking the code of establishing a customer service culture than classroom training, and organizations that are truly committed to this goal can achieve it by making small changes on a variety of fronts. This blog is the first in a four part series where we will break down things you can do to establish a customer service culture that actually meets your expectations.
An excellent starting point is to evaluate the customer experience from the customer’s point of view. Are the rules easy to follow? Do they make sense, and are they fair? If you answered yes to these questions, you are definitely on the right track. If however, the answer is no, there may be some work to be done. Employees will be set up to fail if the processes they are asked to carryout confuse or frustrate customers.
If you find yourself in this situation, define what you want the customer experience to look like. From here you will be able to describe what a successful customer interaction should consist of and share it with your employees through the related training solutions. If there are pain points in the process, evaluate them and determine if they can be simplified or all together eliminated.
What are some of your ideas for cracking the code of establishing a customer service culture? Share them with us here, and tune in next week for the second installment in this series where we will talk about the role recruitment plays in customer service delivery.
Are you interested in more information about customer service training? uDrive subscribers have access to tools and templates that can help. These can be found in the Resources for the Parking Manager section of the site.