close-up of a businessman shaking hands with a businesswoman
We’re at the NPA show this week, and I am hosting the new attendees reception, which got me thinking about the subject of networking. It’s a big part of what people do at these events, and while some people really enjoy it, others are less enthusiastic. If you fit into the second group, follow these simple tips to take some of the stress out of networking. You might even enjoy yourself!
- Manage Your Expectations –Don’t pressure yourself to meet a lot of people. It’s better to establish 1 – 2 quality connections than 20 superficial ones.
- Icebreaker Question – Have a question prepared ahead of time to break the ice when you first meet someone. It could be as simple as “what kind of work do you do?”
- Make it About Them – Avoid launching into your elevator pitch about why they want to work with you. Ask questions to learn about them and determine if you can help.
- Ask for an Introduction – If someone else knows the person you want to meet, ask them to introduce you.
- Pay It Forward – If you know someone another person wants to meet, return the favor!
Good luck, and we look forward to meeting you at the next event!