Insights — Marlyn Group

Tis The Season...For Parking Shows!

Written by cscharte | Oct 14, 2014 1:22:55 PM

It’s been a busy fall so far, as we attend the many state, regional and national parking association conferences.  In mid-September Colleen & Vicki had a great time re-connecting with old friends and meeting new people at the annual Southwest Parking and Transportation Association’s Conference in downtown Las Vegas. Colleen delivered a session, “Achieving Your Work Through The Influence Of Others” that was well received by participants.SWPTA had the evening event of the year, when conference participants had the chance to hang out at a local pub while Carlos Santana was shooting a music video!

Next Colleen was off to Ellenville, New York for the annual New York State Parking Association’s conference where she was again on the presentation schedule, this time on, “Top Tips to Ensure a Successful Employee Lifecycle.”

While Colleen was in upstate New York, Vicki headed to Detroit, Michigan for the annual MPA Conference where she facilitated the event’s shop talk. The challenges and opportunities discussed revolved around leveraging technology and overcoming hourly workforce recruitment and turnover challenges. We’ve had the opportunity to work with outgoing association President Shawny DeBerry for a few years now, and Vicki was delighted to be onsite when Shawny was recognized as Michigan’s Parking Professional of the Year.

Next week, we’re off to the National Parking Association’s Annual Conference taking place at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. We have some fun and exciting events planned for visitors to our booth and hope you will stop by if you are at the show. Click here to find out what time you can stop by booth #411 to take part in a chance to win casino chips for answering parking trivia, or take part in a Marly Photo-Op to be entered into a drawing for $50. We are really getting into the spirit of Vegas and plan on keeping the good times rolling through the exhibit hall hours.

After the NPA Show, we have one more stop on the schedule in Los Angeles this November for the California Public Parking Association’s Annual Conference. Colleen will be presenting a session on Linking Managers’ Performance to Today’s Industry Demands”.

If you are going to be in Las Vegas next week or Los Angeles next month, we look forward to catching up with you in either city!